Emulation of The 6th Degree “Intimate Secretary”. Candidate with Regalia at far left.
Fraternal Visit to Macquarie Sovereign Chapter. At Parramatta 2006.
The Welcome at the famous Omnes Sancti Refectory.
Goulburn Masonic Temple. 2003. Something for everyone.
Chapter Members at Turramurra Masonic Temple. With District Commander.
Section of Refectory. Toasts MUST be pithy, perspicacious, and preferably comic-ironic!
There is a cosy “fire” on special occasions.
Some Princes at the Holden Chapter of Improvement. Turramurra Temple.
Snap of our Ill:. Bro. Organist, and a Prince in a Hallway.
Newly initiated Brethren. Practical support of & Masonic Education within the Craft Lodges is always a fundamental obligation of all Rose Croix Masons.
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